- GISTools::WHHPData sets of Wuhan
- GISTools::blocksNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::breachNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::burgres.fNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::burgres.nNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::chinensisPhenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::chinensis2Phenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::famdispNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::georgiaGeorgia Social and Economic Data by County
- GISTools::georgia.polysGeorgia Social and Economic Data by County
- GISTools::georgia2Georgia Social and Economic Data by County
- GISTools::placesNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::roadsNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::tornUS Tornado Touchdown Data
- GISTools::torn2US Tornado Touchdown Data
- GISTools::tractsNew Haven, Connecticut: Crime data with contextual information
- GISTools::us_statesPhenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::us_statesPhenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::us_statesPhenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::us_states2Phenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::us_states2Phenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::us_states2Phenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::vulgarisPhenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::vulgaris2Phenology data for North American lilacs
- GISTools::whp_spData sets of Wuhan
- GWmodel::Dub.voterVoter turnout data in Greater Dublin(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)
- GWmodel::Gedu.countiesGeorgia counties data (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)
- GWmodel::Gedu.dfGeorgia census data set (csv file)
- GWmodel::USelect2004Results of the 2004 US presidential election at the county level (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)
- GWmodel::ewhpHouse price data set (DataFrame) in England and Wales
- GWmodel::ewoutlineOutline of England and Wales for data EWHP
- GWmodel::londonboroughLondon boroughs data
- GWmodel::londonhpLondon house price data set (SpatialPointsDataFrame)
- shp2graph::ERN_OSM.ntEstevan road network from OpenStreetMap (SpatialLinesDataFrame)
- shp2graph::ERN_OSM_cor.ntEstevan road network from OpenStreetMap (SpatialLinesDataFrame)
- shp2graph::LN.ntLondon Road network data (SpatialLinesDataFrame)
- shp2graph::LN.propLondon house price and hedonic data (SpatialPointsDataFrame)
- shp2graph::ORN.ntOntario road network data (SpatialLinesDataFrame)